Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Mental Health Act 2014 

& The evil of it! Citetaion:

 " unconcentuated & nondisclosed ~ neurosurgery

& ECT$

 ( ElectroConvulsiveTherapy ) >:(


815pm Sunday September 29th 2024

Mission List 20240929$

 Mission List 20240929$

7 4 9 $ Like when I met Mel (Melissa

Sunday, September 22, 2024


12/1persianRug $10,000.00c AUD in?1990?1991?1992?1989!?1993NO!or¿?NOT1994! ///////

Inflates to that ~

 ~ $24,589.13c AUD (2023/2024)/ // .

Lucky I've so far waiveredd $9k of I think at least a year ago!¿? Though this year and end of last year (2023) iv only lent or given on top of that to one of two daughtersz $40.00c AUD that has been unpaid back and I have been considering waivering it iv such is addedd to this total inflatedd for think excess of three decadesz a one million cent$ fancy expensive " Persian Rug " !


MONDAY202409231443/////// ~ DANDE

11) Φn the train away from the city...

The Ten Dollar BankNote Tribute for PatT DebtList202409$-DANDE

? Logarhythms?/z!!!!!!!/// ///////


The power of ten & not develdgeing into the criminal TenPenceCrew muddying the name of coin$ (pennysz)& the $chilling$ !!!!!

Just thought I'd add my brief collectedd meaningfull notesz from asking Pop before he diedd information or ?idea($) to record and put on my site in theme setting that death could be anyday¿

He died of a stroke and me failing to resuscitate him. I thought from sight of his skin as he fell and was guided to the floor the purple of his skin I knew he was dead though yeah defruitedd it....

<a href="">pops quotes.html</a> ~ 2017

And yeah...
Daniel (myself) spent 30mins in November 2012 after reading an OpShop obtainedd PC magazine found a webhosting article for at the time free webhosting & using my Limitedd knowingsz of htmlcode i usedd Mucrosoft Notepad made a single "index.html"signedd up , uploadedd , made it visable and live on the net(theWebTHEinternet) and yeah there the page stayedd unchangedd till my CTO lapsedd the week or month before or of me finally turning 30 years old and frequenting the set of public librariesz & i thought,decidedd,rememberedd about my free hosting sorry hostedd website and first tryedd to recreate (like i still am) the spaceship game privateer$ mission computer and all other similarsz!

Anyhow anough of me....

Daniel D (Monday20240923///////

Now the blog ?program¿ Is not working properly! Keeps saying something Failedd! Damn it. Damagedd. Hopefully not!!

iLy Sarah I hope life is good for you&Tommy&your kidsz etc.......


2003+MKAYE & NidgeCo(2006+ & OBESE

2003+MKAYE & NidgeCo(2006+ & OBESE

2004 ; 2005 VCE YEAR 12 ; 2006 TAFE & the psychward twice! WESTWARD Maroondah before the now IPU1&2 ; 2007 MY DRiVER'$ LiCENCE & DANDENONG SOUTHERN HEALTH (before secu'$ Monash Health(2015&2016)unit4B)& put on the depot=fortnightly duressedd forcedd to comply skin pinctireing injections/z inseminatedd intramuscular anti-psychotic "medication" not medicine, as thinking right now medicine is in line or relatedd or neededd maybe neccessity to a disease or illaments riddancer "CURE" though medication(not medicine) is to "TREAT🤐😞and be used as TREATMENT for a group unsure of count of cto or ito involveing legals/z relatedd to the idea of Mental Health !!DONTgetMEstarteddABOUT the Mental Health Act 2014 and how such allows for ECT$(electroConvulsiveTherapy) and worser this UNCONSENTUATEDd & NONDiSCLOSEDd NEURO SURGERY😱

8 🔆 &?¿ CXA & cboe !?¿!

I think over a year or two ago I came across this ASX listing or share codes series then being of this format 

~ Rio Tinto = normally RIO though instead was RI8 making me this a1code as R=18 though yeah to compliment and convince myself i was on the trail of something the other AustraliAn mineing giant BHP (that around this time (@BSH84'$HQ) found that BHP stood for BrokenHillProperiety and thought "OhH! That's why Dad wanted to take me out to that place only previously known (to me) as a near deserted mineing town near the desert and think across the vic state border though yeah back to this thread of 8 so yeah there was BH8 and then as suspectedd an WO8 for WOW WaltWoolWorths and the was no risk on asx 4 pillar banksz and there stock codesz/tickersz CB8 ; AN8 ; NA8 ; WB8 and yeah not sure about WesFarmer$ with WES not sure iv was WE8 though i think from memory there may of been a telstra TL8 though yeah not sure...


Monday (just after 2pm ?¿!///////

September 23rd 2024 - ! D A N D E 

Masonic Lodge & that $230 in ?2009$

Masonic Lodge & that $230 in ?2009$

Even though I've now I think twice or three times?/z intended to join though just defruitedd around the liason membership intake mediators?z!?¿Initiators?z!¿Intake recruiters?z!? The men that were going to include me into the I think intake guild calledd BRAE DALE that somewhere I read means "broken lands?/z!" ...though yeah despite this idea i think due to propertys?/z fences?/z perimeters?/z!?¿ The his, hers, mine, yours?/z!¿ & Not the collective neccessitys?z! OURSZ well no George Orwell ?1984 or more so Animal Pharm the ten commandments @ root are the only ways/z to hurt a good person and due to the SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THEN OTHERS/Z the Freemasonry motto of a "brothers love" gets maggotedd into b$ zinc thieveing rainbow and religious purple ruiners/z! And in essence all it is meaning is DONT HURT YOUR BROTHER (&brothers of other mothersz!) don't think denying a spoilt adult brats pleasure of wrecking femalesz mouthsz is hurting in the sense of the ten commandment breaches?z as something?¿ Two wrongs/z dobt make a right and sin to stop sin and or sinner isn't the answer either.. though yeah....

This is being typedd whilst on the train leaving flinders and the city just gotta do this city loop then it's traveling east towardsz where I gotta go & get at least a 2Litre bigM for $6.50c AUD and a v500mL4pk$10 though yeah I got $18.90c AUD of my overdraft left then I'm in half a grand debt and I still sorta need to though not fully have to make a myki top up payment of $5.30c AUD for tomorrow's might need daily zone1 & 2 myki fare though yeah anough of me Daniel d ... . . . . . . .

Ps. Thankyou John W for tolerating and given me the chances?z sorry to have failedd to restore Masonic Lodge and the hope of citizensz civiliansz community , people to once again build more pyramidsz!

Though yeah anough of me DANDE


MONDAY 2024 09 23 1340 DANDE


! DEBTportfolio202409$

$ - ReGiftment($) Amountsz! <2025


$ - debt$/Liabilitie$ that tangiblely XZYST ! (Tangible return$z List <2025

$1,000,000.00c AUD ?!

Somehow make good of onesz own word and pay my Godbrother = one of my GodMother'$ songsz this said close ¿ Near ¿ Two decades ago$ one million (AustraliAn) dollar$z!

Its to be paid unduressedd and when suitsz myself though yeah hopefully such is paid before I die and are dead...

TypeddMission: MONDAY20240923///////

$4,000,000.00c AUD 2024

!! Somehow ! Purchase my parent$z! house/property for $4m or $600,000.00c AUD or due to Centrelink assets tier setup only own max a $250,000.00c AUD-ish portion of the total address that I think is tiedd into and owned maybe from or for or of some certain other financial ? Legal entity ¿ A trust perhaps?/z! Though yeah anough of me Daniel d ... . . . . . . .


MONDAY202409231157/// ///////


This one may or may not still xzyst though yeah....

...just attend when welcome and process and bag and transit to brothersz in order of can$ set for despatch . . . . . . .

TypeddMission: MONDAY20240923///////

That mish from 2023

The Laubes Road Maneuver Extraction & Dispose of / Disposal Mission ~ to make a better world free of (ungodly) unsightly utter disgust horrible animal waste material

Typedd Mission: MONDAY20240923///////

M15510N5 - 20240923///////


$ not always?z providedd though i may just have this blog as a private one unless i advert the address elsewhere on the net/internet


11:4dAM MONDAY 20240923 ///////

The Mental Health Act 2014   & The evil of it! Citetaion:  " unconcentuated & nondi...